Common Names:- Lesser swinecress
Homotypis Synonyms:- Carara didyma, Coronopus didymus subsp.
eudidymus, Lepidium didymum Senebiera didyma.
Meaning:- Coronopus (Gr) A name used by the Greek philosopher Theophrastus
for crowfoot, reference to the leaf-shape
Didymus (Gr) Twofold, double (the dumb-bell-shaped fruit)
General description:- Procumbent or ascending annual or biennial
1) 5-15(-35) cm.
1) Glabrous.
2) Lower, pinnatipartite, the segments usually pinnatifid.
1) Raceme, somewhat elongate in fruit.
2) Pedicels, 1·5-3·5 mm, usually longer than the silicula.
3) Petals, c. 0·5 mm, shorter than the sepals, sometimes absent.
4) Stamens, fertile usually 2.
5) Style absent, or up to 0·2 mm and included in the notch.
1) Silicula c. 1·5 x 2.5 mm, rugose, emarginate., reticulate.
Key features:-
1) Petals minute or absent.
2) Silicula c. 1·5 x 2.5 mm, rugose, emarginate.
Habitat:- Sandy beaches and salines, near harbours, olive groves, ruderal habitats
in and near villages. 0-100(-800) m.
Distribution:- W Peloponnisos and Ionian Islands.- Probably native to S America
now almost a cosmopolitan weed. Rare on Crete, known from a few locations
around the Hania area in the west.
Flowering time:- Late Mar to May, occasionally at other times.
Photos by:- Zacharias Angourakis